Are you effectively tracking your emissions data?
With more than 40 years of operational experience we know how to push the envelope on your asset’s performance, reliability and lifetime.
From skilled manpower to full facilities management as duty holder and Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) site operator, we have extensive capability in operations and the ability to integrate modification scopes and specialist services such as integrity, well engineering, subsea and pipelines.
We provide high-quality, skilled operations personnel with a consistent culture from technicians and tradesmen to supervisors and managers. We have an established presence in delivering operations support with qualified people, leading-edge systems and processes. We use a service excellence framework with a suite of systems, tools and processes to ensure all our staff exhibit the right qualities of service delivery, safety performance and efficient work execution.
Offering additional support, we take a managed service approach that builds responsibility all the way up to operating partnerships where we are fully committed, sharing risk and responsibility for the performance of your asset.
Our duty holder responsibilities mean we are serious about both assessing and maintaining asset integrity. To provide this assurance we carry out detailed due diligence in connection with our studies function to leverage our experience and underscore any commitment.
At all levels our goal is the same: to provide you with complete assurance that your asset is in safe hands.